News and Notes

As an indication of the times it is interesting to note two recent events. The State of Illinois became the first state to adopt the model penal code developed by the American Bar Associat- ion. This code has one thing in it of importance to us. This is the section that legalizes all forms of sexual behavior between consenting adults, in private. This has no direct bearing on TVs, being of interest principally to homosexuals, but it is a sign of a more understanding and tolerant point of view in contrast to the biggotted, Victorian prudery which enslaves so much of American culture.


Another event was the failure of the U. S. Supreme Court to uphold the Post Office's ban on sending several homosexual books through the mails. Again it is a victory for the Gay set from which we are attempting to distinguish ourselves, but it is a vic- tory for all minority groups in that it strikes down one more of Administrative Censorship. This hydra-headed monster will, how- ever, have to be cut down on a lot more fronts before we will live in a culture that will allow an intelligent adult human being to choose his own literature, movies, magazines and personal express- ions on the basis of his own preferences with the one important limitation that in doing so he not impose on the rights and priv- ileges of others.


Late in August we will receive from England a shipment of a new paperback booklet entitled "REVERSE SEX". This is the personal autobiography of Coccinelle printed in England. It is 127 pages long and has 64 full page illustrations of this famous impersonator. As many of you know Coccinelle was married to her manager a couple of months ago after a visit to Casablanca for a sex-change operat- ion. This is the first complete biographical write up she has per-


We have ordered only a limited number of these books, so if you want one please reserve now and shipment will be made upon arr- ival. Price, first class postage included, is $2.00. Order direct-

ly from:

Box 36091


Los Angeles 36, Calif.
